Category Archives: Juniors

Wagga Tigers ~ Taking the plunge for MND

Wagga Tigers ~ Taking the plunge for MND

Wagga Tigers Football and Netball club held a successful fundraising day on Sunday in support of Neale Daniher and his quest to raise precious funds for vital MND research. ThisContinue Reading

WE NEED YOUR HELP ~ 1970’s Reunion Sat 8th August 2015

WE NEED YOUR HELP ~ 1970’s Reunion Sat 8th August 2015

Please look at the following photos and if you recognise anyone please let them know about the reunion. Also please send us your email &/or preferred contact number so weContinue Reading

1970’s TIGERS JUNIORS REUNION ~ Sat 8th August 2015

1970’s TIGERS JUNIORS REUNION ~ Sat 8th August 2015

An Open Invitation to all former junior players, parents, committee members, coaches, team managers and strappers who were involved with the Wagga Tigers Juniors during the 1970’s. A casual dayContinue Reading

Junior Committee Meeting – 24th March

Junior Committee Meeting – 24th March

Wagga Tigers Junior Committee meeting is Tuesday 24th March at the Robert Hughes Clubrooms. All team coaches and managers are required to attend, with the upcoming season being the main agenda item. LetsContinue Reading

On-Line Registration now available for ALL JUNIORS ~ you must register before playing

On-Line Registration now available for ALL JUNIORS ~ you must register before playing

Wagga Tigers Juniors Online registration all players is now ready !!  The steps below should take you through the registration process and require credit card payment. Click on the linkContinue Reading

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